Dear Afiya Augustine,
Thank you for sending us "Win A Date With Avian's Daughters". We read this piece and your two others. You should know we do think you are a good writer. There are memorable moments. Visit our guidelines page (on the submit tab) to read more about what we're looking for—slipstream, magic realism, a voice that is odd and hard to capture. We also want to let you know that these can definitely find a home out there. Use Duotrope to find a journal that does your work justice.
Thank you for sending us "Win A Date With Avian's Daughters". We read this piece and your two others. You should know we do think you are a good writer. There are memorable moments. Visit our guidelines page (on the submit tab) to read more about what we're looking for—slipstream, magic realism, a voice that is odd and hard to capture. We also want to let you know that these can definitely find a home out there. Use Duotrope to find a journal that does your work justice.
I submitted two other pieces: Patient Lover and Keepsake.
I guess these are rejection numbers 50something through 50something.